Stick’n Strip

Fall 2022

-12 weeks-

Design Brief

Designing a product that is easily usable for people with disabilities

Target audience: Paraplegic on wheelchairs(people who can’t move their legs)

GOAL: My goal is to identify the unmet needs of people with disabilities in family/social life, and how I as designers can meet those needs.




  • Having a hard time putting pants all the way up while sitting

  • Needing assistance to put pants on 

  • Taking pants off

Sense of belonging/inclusion

Being able to be in a social setting without feeling alienated.

Access to experiences

Having the same opportunities as non-disabled people, and being able to perform on even footing.

Sense of personal responsibility

Being independent; Not feeling like they are burdening others.

Exploring broad concepts that makes it accessible for disabilities

I wanted to focus more on Paraplegic on wheelchairs users so I choose the pants direction that is accessible and comfortable to put on

Easy, fashionable, and comfortable

Testing final size, thickness, and proportion

In Use
